Level 0
- Clue: IyMjIyMjTlNRMjAxN0ZnbmVnLVBlbGNnYkFyamY=
- The answer:
decoding the clue with base64, and then rot13
Level 1
- From
, participants were expected to arrive at base32
- Decoding the first clue using base32 yields:
- Swapping each pair of letters results in
Level 2
- Clues: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures | Stocks
- A quick Google search finds Cenovus Energy, of which the TSX and NYSE is
- The answer:
Level 3
- Clues: 0154 0252 0158 0254 0236 0231 0239 0244 0250 0154 | ⎇ | http://i.imgur.com/hGNGTd8.png
- Using the last two hints, people were expected to arrive at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt_code
- Looking up the alt codes results in
- The answer:
Level 4
- Clues: On light clouds of the upper zone, Pillows meet for our reclining, We may rest while day is shining. | https://i.imgur.com/XAyi8DY.png | CVE
- The first clue is an excerpt of
, a poem by Robert William Jameson
- The second clue consists of the logo of Avira, a security software company - and a trailing m
- Nimrod Aviram was one of the original reporters of the DROWN attack
- The answer:
Level 5
- Clues: 1487289600 - 1487894400 | answer is rot13'd
- The first clue consists of two dates, giving a range in which the Cloudbleed bug was discovered and discussed
- The answer, after applying the second clue:
Level 6
- Clues: https://is.gd/gGJ0T0 | Append "Schneier" to solution | Sigma | Ouroboros | reverse, apply |
- The first URL points to an image of a whirlpool
- Participants were expected to realized the connection between what the image portrays and the WHIRLPOOL hashing algorithm
- Experimentation, or applying the last few hints, was expected to lead to people looking at the WHIRLPOOL hash of the image itself
- The answer:
Level 7
- Clues: 31.198056, 121.336389 | https://is.gd/HJJX2m | Ш | Append "Blue" to solution | family
- Each of the first three clues resolves to
- Three SHAs, or SHA-3
- Hunting on wikipedia for SHA-3 was expected to lead people to Keccak, a cryptographic primitive family
- The answer:
Level 8
- Clues: Tq\uGTwqtt | Append "ShakeIt" to solution | pattern
- Converting the first hint into a stream of bits results in morse code (in the form of 1-bits interspersed between 0-bits)
- The answer, after applying the second hint:
Level 9
- Clues: ######quadrooter | sms | Международная организация по стандартизации
- The quadrooter channel linked to the music video of Call Me Maybe
- Players were expected to type
on a mobile phone keyboard
- The answer:
Level 10
- Clues: https://is.gd/qLde0I | Hertz
- The URL pointed to an audio file
- Examining the spectrogram of said file was expected to make people realize they were looking at bytes
- The least significant bit is represented by a frequency around 1.9kHz, whilst the most significant bit is
represented by a frequency around 7.5kHz
- Decoding the bytes as ASCII leads to:
- The answer:
Level 11
- Clues: https://is.gd/b9oNHn | free speech
- Each colour of the flag corresponds to three ASCII characters (one per colour channel), plus a final character at the end
- The answer:
Level 12
- Clues: E7 D2 C3 C4 40 C3 D3 C9 C9 C9 | xkcd.com/927 | ♫
- The bytes given as the first clue were expected to be interpreted as EBCDIC
- This yields
- https://www.xkcd.com/153/
- The comic in question contains a reference to Missy Elliott
- Players were expected to hit search engines and come up with...
- The answer:
Level 13
- Clues: KPCfjoIzMiAtIENWRS0tKSArICjwn5Kp8J+QhCAtIENWRS0tKQo= | arithmetic
- Decoding the first clue using base64 results in
(🎂32 - CVE--) + (💩🐄 - CVE--)
- The emoji hint at Sweet32 and Dirty COW
- Corresponding CVEs are 2016-2183 and 2016-5195
- Using the last hint, people were expected to add 20162183 and 20165195, resulting in...
- The answer:
Level 14
- Clues: https://is.gd/VXqYzD | 字 | ローマ字
- The linked picture is a nonogram - solving it results in the kanji 没: drown
- The second and third clue (字: character/word, ローマ字: romanization) hint at the Japanese translation for drown
- The answer:
Level 15
- Decoding the first clue using base64 yields:
1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 0 1 2
2 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 1 3 2 1
2 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 2
- Converting each number into binary form:
01 10 10 01 01 10 10 10 11 00 01 10
10 11 00 11 11 01 11 01 01 11 10 01
10 00 00 10 10 00 10 00 00 01 00 10
- The last three hints were expected to lead people to try decoding the bits as braille
- The answer: